(Originally created for Year of Mercy 8 Dec 2015- 20 Nov 2016)
Updated April 2023
Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Song
Oh Mercy - Matt Maher, Audrey Assad, Stu Garrard
Path of Mercy - The Notre Dame Folk Choir
Lord Show Us Your Mercyby Jeanne Cotter
Clip from film The Mission.In this scene the character played by Robert de Niro, a former slave trader, drags his self-imposed penance (his armour) up a mountain to visit the people he had formerly enslaved.
With The Lord There Is Mercy and Love
Song by Marie Dunne CHF, from album Journey To Your Heart
Soloist: Patricia Bourke D'Souza
(Used with permission)
Jubilee of Mercy
Official Vatican website for the Year of Mercy, with lots of useful resources including some that are arts-based.